Past Events

Choosing and Negotiating with Publishers, Virtual Panel, February 11, 2025

Choosing and Negotiating with Publishers, Virtual Panel, February 11, 2025

Next up in our Demystifying Publishing Series, the Society of Midland Authors Presents…


Choosing and Negotiating with Publishers: Insights on Finding the Right Publisher and Getting a Fair Deal

Join us for a free, enlightening virtual panel on finding and choosing the right publisher for your work and negotiating a fair deal.


Wally Podrazik, moderator, VP of th SMA board, teaches at the University of Illinois-Chicago, and is co-author of nine books. The latest is Watching TV: American Television Season by Season, just released from Syracuse University Press.

Marlene Targ Brill, moderator, is an award-winning author of more than 70 books for readers of all ages. She’s had extensive experience with several different types of publishers. Find her at

Sylvia Frank Rodrigue acquires history and criminology books for SIU Press. Through her business, Sylverlining, she coaches authors and copyedits nonfiction and fiction manuscripts. She was editor-in-chief at LSU Press, associate editor at Stackpole Books, and coauthor of Images of America: Baton Rouge.


Steve Baron counsels businesses on intellectual property matters and helps clients resolve complex commercial disputes. His experience includes protecting and advising on trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets, defamation, privacy, right of publicity, advertising, and marketing. Steve represents media and entertainment clients’ best interests in federal and state courts, administrative tribunals, arbitrations, and mediations. He works with publishers, authors, podcasters, advertising and marketing agencies, graphic artists, recording companies and recording artists, information technology businesses, and other businesses with intellectual property and publishing issues at Baron Harris Healy law firm and Lawyers for the Creative Arts.


To learn more, contact moderators Marlene Targ Brill: [email protected] or Walter Podrazik: [email protected].

Gregory Royal Pratt and His New Book on Lori Lightfoot, January 16

Gregory Royal Pratt and His New Book on Lori Lightfoot, January 16

Political Reporter Gregory Royal Pratt Discusses His New Book: The City Is Up For Grabs: How Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot Led and Lost a City in Crisis

  • WHEN: Thursday, January 16, 2025, 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
  • SCHEDULE: Doors open at 6:30 p.m., talk begins at 7:00 p.m., books for sale and signing at 8:00 p.m.
  • WHERE: UIC Daley Library, 801 S. Morgan, ground floor
  • COST: Free and open to all,

Join the Society of Midland Authors for our next author-book event at the UIC Daley Library on January 16, 2025. Author and political reporter Gregory Royal Pratt will discuss his new book, The City Is Up For Grabs: How Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoor Led and Lost a City in Crisis, with interlocuter journalist, author, and SMA board member Mary Wisniewski.


Author Gregory Royal Pratt

A Chicago native, Gregory Royal Pratt covered every day of Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s term and was deeply sourced in City Hall, as well as in the other offices of local, state, and national politics that shaped the mayor’s administration. Pratt has won several national awards for his political and investigative reporting. He is a regular commentator about the city on local and national media, including appearances on CNN and NPR.


Choosing and Negotiating with Publishers, Virtual Panel, February 11, 2025

Crafting Your Nonfiction Book Proposal, Virtual Panel, November 12

Next up in our Demystifying Publishing Series, the Society of Midland Authors Presents…


Basics, Considerations, and Strategies for Crafting Your Nonfiction Book Proposal, a Virtual Panel Discussion

Join us for an enlightening virtual panel on the basics, considerations, and strategies of crafting winning nonfiction book proposals from the perspectives of an agent, two acquisitions editors, a publisher, and two non-fiction authors. SMA board member and former publisher Sharon Woodhouse leads the discussion with panelists University of Chicago Executive Editor Timothy Mennel, University of Wisconsin Press Editor in Chief Dan Crissman, agent Tina P. Schwartz of The Purcell Agency and authors Arnie Bernstein and Dominic Pacyga. All attendees will receive a free PDF of the book, Pitch What’s True: A Publisher’s Tools for Navigating Your Best Path to a Published Nonfiction Book by Sharon Woodhouse.



Timothy Mennel

Timothy Mennel is the Executive Editor of University of Chicago Press. He joined the Press in 2013, having worked at Random House Adult Trade, Artforum/ Bookforum, Princeton University Press, and the American Planning Association. He has consulted at the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, the Rockefeller Foundation, and elsewhere. He has a special interest in ambitious histories.


Dan Crissman

Dan Crissman is Editor in Chief at the University of Wisconsin Press. He previously served on the editorial staff at Indiana University Press, W.W. Norton, Belt Publishing, and Farrar, Straus & Giroux. He has written two books, Cleveland in 50 Maps and Brewing Everything.


Tina Purcell Schwartz

Tina Purcell Schwartz founded The Purcell Agency in July 2012 after she spent twelve years writing and marketing her work, along with helping several others get published. After a career in advertising, radio sales, and marketing, she turned to her true passion, selling manuscripts. She sold her first book contract in 2004 and has sold ten nonfiction titles in the teen and youth markets to traditional publishers.


Author Arnie Bernstein

Arnie Bernstein specializes in narrative nonfiction. His books include Bath Massacre: America’s First School Bombing (University of Michigan Press) and Swastika Nation: Fritz Kuhn and The Rise and Fall of the German-American Bund (St. Martin’s Press and Picador). He is a popular media guest and talking head for television, podcasts, and other media including MSNBC, C-SPAN Book TV, The New York TimesWashington Post, NPR, the BBC,  Australian Public Radio, The Times of Israel, as well as media outlets in Ireland, Germany, Spain, Poland, and Russia. This past year he appeared on the acclaimed PBS series “American Experience” in their documentary “Nazi Town, USA.” Arnie is a member of  The Society of Midland Authors (where he both served a term on the board and as a judge for the annual awards), The Author’s Guild, PEN America, and The International Federation of Journalists. Awards include a grant from the Puffin Foundation, earning a slot in the prestigious Warner Brothers Comedy Writing Workshop, and named to The New City Chicago annual “Lit 50.” Arnie received honors from both the Illinois State Library and the State Library of Michigan. He hopes to someday receive similar recognition from the State Library of Hawaii. Check out his website at


Author Dominic Pacyga

Dominic A. Pacyga is professor emeritus of history in the Department of Humanities, History, and Social Sciences at Columbia College Chicago and serves on the board of the Society of Midland AUthors. His books include Polish Immigrants and Industrial Chicago: Workers on the South Side, 1880–1922Chicago: A Biography; and Slaughterhouse: Chicago’s Union Stock Yard and the World It Made, all from the University of Chicago Press. Pacyga is the 2014 Mieczyslaw Haiman Award winner for exceptional and sustained contribution to the study of Polish Americans. 


Sharon Woodhouse

Sharon Woodhouse was an indie publisher for over 25 years (Lake Claremont Press, Everything Goes Media). She currently owns Conspire Creative, a book business agency that provides coaching, consulting, project management, and marketing support services for authors and publishers, with a specialty in entrepreneurship and publishing options. Her next book, The Profitable Author: 1,001 Ways to Build a Business You Love Around Your Books, will be released in January 2025.

Chuck Billington discusses “The 1963 Chicago Bears” on Oct. 8

Chuck Billington discusses “The 1963 Chicago Bears” on Oct. 8

The Midland Authors presents

Chuck Billington talking about his book The 1963 Chicago Bears

WHEN: Tuesday, Oct. 8, 2024, 6:30 p.m.

WHERE: The Billy Goat Tavern “party room,” 430 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago.

COST: Free and open to all; $5 donation suggested.

Books will be available for purchase and signing.

Sports historian Chuck Billington examines the 1963 NFL Championship chronicles the trials and triumphs of Chicago’s historically most neglected team. The Bears and their legendary owner/coach George Halas adjusted to the increased revenue of the television era and the behind-the-scenes drama of a gambling scandal, while developing into one of the greatest teams of the pre-Super Bowl era.

We’ll be in the party room.

Cheryl L. Reed discusses “Map of My Escape” on Sept. 10

Cheryl L. Reed discusses “Map of My Escape” on Sept. 10

Midland Authors presents:

An Evening with Author and Journalist Cheryl L. Reed

Tuesday, Sept. 10, 2024, 6:30–8 p.m.

Volumes Bookcafe, 1373 N. Milwaukee Ave., Chicago

Cheryl L. Reed has shadowed dark and mysterious characters from cops to murder suspects, cloistered nuns to girls doing drugs. Her new novel, Map of My Escape, is a thriller about an anti-gun activist who accidentally shoots a Chicago cop and flees to an island in northern Michigan.

Reed’s debut novel, Poison Girls, won the Chicago Writers’ Association Book of the Year Award. Her book of nonfiction, Unveiled: The Hidden Lives of Nuns, chronicles her bizarre journey of living with religious women in convents off and on for four years. Her website is

A former editor and reporter at the Chicago Sun-Times and other publications, Reed was a US Fulbright Scholar for the State Department in Ukraine and in Central Asia. She splits her time between Virginia and Washington, D.C.

Mary Wisniewski, Newcity critic and SMA board member, will interview Reed.



TUES, MAR 12, 2024: From Peoria to Shanghai: Literary Salon Host Bernardine Szold Fritz

From Peoria to Shanghai: Literary Salon Host Bernardine Szold Fritz
Talk and Slideshow
with Susan Blumberg-Kason, author Bernardine’s Shanghai Salon: The Story of the Doyenne of Old China


WHEN: Tuesday, March 12, 2024; cocktails 6-7 p.m. and program 7-8 p.m.

WHERE: The Cliff Dwellers, 200 S Michigan Ave., 22nd floor penthouse

COST: Free & open to all; $5 donation suggested


Books will be available for purchase and signing after the program.


Bernardine Szold Fritz was born and raised in Peoria, Illinois. At the age of 19, she acted in the Chicago Little Theatre, housed in the Fine Arts Building. She went on to work as a journalist alongside Carl Sandburg and Ernest Hemingway before moving to New York and Paris in the 1920s. In 1929 she moved to Shanghai to marry a silver broker from North Dakota. It was in Shanghai that she started a literary salon and became the first person to bring together Chinese and expat writers, actors, musicians, and dancers. Susan Blumberg-Kason will speak about her new book, Bernardine’s Shanghai Salon, and will show how Bernardine’s Midwestern roots went on to influence her work in Shanghai.


Susan Blumberg-Kason is the author of Bernardine’s Shanghai Salon: The Story of the Doyenne of Old China and Good Chinese Wife: A Love Affair with China Gone Wrong. She is also the co-editor of Hong Kong Noir. Susan is a regular contributor to the Asian Review of Books and World Literature Today. Born, raised, and now based in the Chicago suburbs, Susan has a forthcoming book out this September, When Friends Come From Afar: The Remarkable Story of Bernie Wong and Chicago’s Chinese American Service League.


Author Susan Blumberg-Kason. Front cover,


To learn more, contact Mary Wisniewski: [email protected] or Sharon Woodhouse: [email protected].

TUES, APR 9, 2024: Booking Baseball: Writing About the National Pastime

TUES, APR 9, 2024: Booking Baseball: Writing About the National Pastime

Booking Baseball: Writing About the National Pastime
Discussion with four veteran SMA members
Baseball authors Thom Henninger, Stuart Shea, Judith Hiltner, and Jim Walker


WHEN: Tuesday, April 9, 2024, 6pm-8pm

WHERE: Turtle’s Bar & Grill, 238 W. 33rd St., two blocks south of Guaranteed Rate Field

COST: Free & open to all; $5 donation suggested; free food & cash bar


Books will be available for purchase and signing after the program.


Collectively, SMA members, Thom Henninger, Judith Hiltner, Stuart Shea, and Jim Walker have written seven books and countless articles on baseball. The Society of Midland Authors and the Chicago chapter of the Society for American Baseball Research (SABR) invite you to learn how they approach writing about the national pastime.

Topics include:

  • Why so many baseball books are written and who publishes them
  • Working with teams and conducting interviews
  • Using research facilities
  • Managing your writing project
  • Memorable experiences

To learn more, contact Mary Wisniewski: [email protected].

TUES, FEB 13, 2024: Demystifying Publishing: How to Get Published and How to Keep Publishing

Demystifying Publishing: How to Get Published and How to Keep Publishing

(Hints and insights: What to do once the writing is finished)

A virtual panel discussion

Demystifying Publishing (recording of event on YouTube)

Tuesday, February 13, 2024, 7pm – 8pm CST

To join:       


Donna Beasley is a children’s book author, former digital travel magazine owner, writing coach, and president/publisher of KaZoom Kids Books, a multicultural children’s publishing company, focusing on Black and Latino characters, and stories for children ages 3 to 8.



Sylvia Frank Rodrigue acquires history and criminology books for SIU Press. Through her business, Sylverlining, she copyedits nonfiction and fiction manuscripts. She was editor-in-chief at LSU Press and associate editor at Stackpole Books. Rodrigue is the co-author of Images of America: Baton Rouge and Historic Baton Rouge.




Sharon WoodhouseSharon Woodhouse was an indie publisher for over 25 years (Lake Claremont Press, Everything Goes Media). She currently owns Conspire Creative, which provides coaching, consulting, and project management services for authors and publishers, with a specialty in entrepreneurship and publishing options.



To learn more, contact moderators Marlene Targ Brill: [email protected]  or Walter Podrazik: [email protected].

Jan 9, 2024: Chicago’s Modern Mayors: From Harold Washington to Lori Lightfoot

The Midland Authors presents a panel discussion on

Chicago’s Modern Mayors: Harold Washington to Lori Lightfoot

Midland Authors presents Chicago’s Modern Mayors – YouTube

Voices For Justice: Jonathan Eig: King: A Life – YouTube

Tuesday, January 9, 2024, 6 p.m.

Harold Washington Library Center
400 S. State St., Chicago
Doors open at 5:30 p.m.

Free and open at all. Suggested donation $5.
Books will be available for purchase.

The Midland Authors presents a panel discussion based on the new book Chicago’s Modern Mayors, edited by former Midland Authors President Dick Simpson and Betty O’Shaughnessy, covering mayors Harold Washington, Eugene Sawyer, Richard M. Daley, Rahm Emanuel, and Lori Lightfoot.

The discussion will feature:

Betty O’Shaughnessy, former adjunct professor of political science at the University of Illinois Chicago and Oakton Community College

Dick Simpson, former Chicago alderman, professor emeritus and former head of the Department of Political Science at the University of Illinois Chicago

Kari Lydersen, journalist and assistant professor at the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University

Monroe Anderson, political writer and former press secretary to Eugene Sawyer

Daniel Bliss, assistant professor of political science at the Illinois Institute of Technology

Dennis Judd, professor emeritus at the University of Illinois Chicago

TUE., SEP 12: Jonathan Eig on his new book King: A Life

  • “The definitive biography of King…. Eig’s book is worthy of its subject.” — New York Times
  • “The most compelling account of King’s life in a generation.” — Washington Post
  • “Eig has created 2023’s most vital tome.” — Philadelphia Inquirer

WHEN: Tuesday, September 12, 2023; 6-7:15 p.m.
WHERE: Harold Washington Public Library, 400 S. State St, Chicago IL 60605

COST: Free, open to the public, no need to register

ABOUT THE BOOK: King: A Life is the first major biography in decades of Martin Luther King Jr.—and the first to include recently declassified FBI files. In this revelatory portrait of the preacher and activist who shook the world, Eig presents an intimate view of the courageous and often emotionally troubled man who demanded peaceful protest for his movement but was rarely at peace with himself.

In this landmark biography, Eig gives us an MLK for our times: a deep thinker, a brilliant strategist, and a committed radical who led one of history’s greatest movements—and whose demands for racial and economic justice remain as urgent today as they were in his lifetime.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Jonathan Eig is a former writer for the Wall Street Journal. He’s the New York Times bestselling author of Ali: A Life; Luckiest Man: The Life and Death of Lou Gehrig; and Opening Day: The Story of Jackie Robinson’s First Season. Ken Burns calls Eig “a master storyteller.”

This program is part of the Chicago Public Library’s “Voices for Justice” Speaker Series, which highlights issues of social justice.