Kenneth Linde

Prolific author Kenneth Linde has published ten fictional historical and social narratives in the
acclaimed Waldwick Series since October of 2018 dealing with prevalent contemporary social, legal, and ethical issues. Following the fictional Terrill family, Linde stories are all centered around Southern Wisconsin from 1820 to today.
As a child, Linde led a life dissimilar to that presented on television of that time. Sleeping in a
public hallway under a staircase had a way of affecting him. Being alone, somewhat socially
isolated, and the victim of bullying due to abject poverty, with a childhood weight problem,
opened his eyes and heart to those who suffer social perils based on being judged for what
they are instead of who they are. Because of his singularity, Linde created his own world filled
with stories of love and hate, achievement and conquest that became submerged in his mind.
Linde has since matured, married, and led a life of love, satisfaction, pride, and achievement and considers his greatest honor the sanctity of marriage to the same woman for nearly 50
years and the honor of two incredible daughters who have shown the majesty of honesty,
dignity, and respect.
Linde notes that his books come from his heart, traverse through his memories, and end up at
the tips of his fingers. His goals were, are, and will always be to make his readers learn something,
feel something, and want something more from life than what they had when they turned the first
page of any of the Waldwick books. Learn more at